True Light Girls’ College Student Union
Student Union Executive Committee Members List
Post | Name | Class |
Chairperson | Gao Candy | 5C |
Vice Chairperson | Wong Wai Ching | 5B |
Treasurer | Lau Yee Ting Bonnie | 5A |
Internal Secretary | Wong Sze Nga | 4C |
External Secretary | Tsang Yuen Ting | 5A |
Recreational Secretary | Lai Bowen Yuanna | 4A |
Welfare Secretary | Lam Ching Tung | 4D |
Academic Secretary | Leung Lok Yin | 4C |
Publicity Secretary | Yeung Sum Ning | 5C |
Steward | Fung Wing Yan | 5B |
Article 1 Name
The name of the Association shall be ‘True Light Girls’ College Student Union’, herein after referred to as ‘TLGCSU’. The Chinese name shall be ‘真光女書院學生會’.
Article 2 Purpose
The purpose of the TLGCSU shall be:
- To promote mutual help, cooperation and leadership among students.
- To promote the balanced development of students in the moral, intellectual, physical, social and aesthetic aspects of their learning.
- To cultivate students’ sense of belonging to school.
- To promote the general welfare of the students.
- To serve as a communication channel between students and the school authorities.
- To strengthen the relationship among the student activities bodies in school.
- To promote the relationship between the school and the corresponding organizations outside the school.
Article 3 Session
Each session shall start with the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting held in September each year and shall terminate with the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting of the following year.
Article 4 Location
The TLGCSU office shall be in True Light Girls’ College.
Article 1 Qualification
All the registered students of True Light Girls’ College shall automatically become TLGCSU members.
Article 2 Privileges
All members shall enjoy the following privileges:
- To attend the General Meetings of the TLGCSU.
- To have the right to elect and be elected in the election of the official members of the TLGCSU.
- To join the activities held by the TLGCSU.
- To enjoy the general welfare provided by the TLGCSU.
Article 3 Responsibilities
All members shall fulfill the following responsibilities:
- To observe the constitution of the TLGCSU.
- To pay the annual membership fees.
- To help in smooth running of the TLGCSU.
Article 4 Membership Fees
The amount of the annual membership fees shall be discussed and decided by the Executive Committee members of the TLGCSU when the new session begins.
Article I Advisory Board
The Principal, the Vice Principals and the Head of the Life Wide Learning Committee shall be the supervisors of the TLGCSU. A teacher advisor of the Executive Committee shall also be appointed by the school authorities.
Article 2 General Meetings
- All members of the TLGCSU shall also be members of the General Meetings.
- General Meetings shall include Annual General Meeting and Extraordinary General Meeting. The resolution of a General Meeting with the content of the Advisory Board shall posses the highest authority in all matters affecting the TLGCSU.
- General Meetings shall be presided by the Council Chairperson. In the absence of the Council Chairperson, the Secretary of the Council may convene the meeting.
- The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be
- to receive and adopt minutes of the last Annual General Meeting.
- to receive and adopt the annual activities and financial reports of the TLGCSU of the current session.
- to elect the Executive Committee of the TLGCSU for the coming session by a General Polling.
- The Extraordinary General Meeting shall deal with matters of emergency. It shall be held upon a requisition made in writing to the Secretary to the Council and signed by not less than one tenth of the members, or upon a request made by the Council.
Article 3 Council
- Function: To examine the work of the Executive Committee and the finance of the TLGCSU
- Composition:
- Council Chairperson
- Secretary to the Council
- Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the Executive Committee
- Two Form Representatives (one from junior Forms, S1 to S3; one form senior Forms, S4 to S7)
- One Representative from Sport Association
- One representative from service societies
- One representative from other clubs or societies.
- One representative from Houses
- Council Chairperson and Secretary to the Council
The Council Chairperson and Secretary to the Council shall be elected from the members of the Council, except the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the Executive Committee, at the first Council meeting of the current session. The representatives of the elected Council Chairperson and Secretary to the Council shall be thence substituted.
Article 4 Executive Committee
- Function: To execute all affairs of the TLGCSU.
- Composition: The ten members shall be elected by the General Polling held in the Annual General
- Chairperson:
As the chief executive of the TLGCSU, the Chairperson shall take the leading role, administer the affairs of the TLGCSU, preside at all the meetings of the Executive Committee and represent the TLGCSU at and outside school.
- Vice Chairperson:
The Vice Chairperson shall assist the Chairperson and shall be the ex-officio Chairperson of the Executive Committee in the absence of the Chairperson.
- Treasurer:
The Treasurer shall handle the financial matters of the TLGCSU.
- Internal Secretary:
The Internal Secretary shall handle all of the correspondence, including circulars, letters and minutes.
- External Secretary:
The External Secretary shall handle all external affairs of the TLGCSU.
- Academic Secretary:
The Academic Secretary shall be responsible for promoting and organizing academic activities.
- Welfare Secretary:
The Welfare Secretary shall be responsible for promoting the welfare of the members of the TLGCSU.
- Publicity Secretary:
The Publicity Secretary shall handle all the propaganda work.
- Recreational Secretary:
The Recreational Secretary shall be responsible for promoting and organizing recreational activities.
- Steward:
The Steward shall be responsible for sundry duties.
- Substitution and Dismissal
- When the Chairperson is vacant, the Vice Chairperson shall be the acting Chairperson. In the event of any vacancy of other Executive Committee members, the Advisory Board shall appoint any eligible members to be the substitute.
- Any Executive Committee member who seriously neglects one’s duties or infringes the school regulations shall be dismissed by the Advisory Board or through an Extraordinary General Meeting.
Article 1 Qualification of Candidates
- All members studying Form 4 or above shall be eligible for nomination as Chairperson or Vice Chairperson of the TLGCSU.
- All members studying Form 2 or above shall be eligible for nomination as other Executive Committee members.
Article 2 Nomination of Candidates
- Each of the eligible candidates shall be nominated by a student in school and shall register the nomination through the Executive Committee of the TLGCSU.
- Each candidate shall run for only one post in the election of the Executive Committee.
Article 3 Election Procedure
- A General Polling with secret ballots shall be adopted for the election. The candidate who gains a simple majority of votes for the post contested at the election shall be elected.
- If only one candidate runs for the post, that candidate shall be elected for the post automatically.
- If equal numbers of votes for the same post happen, the Advisory Board shall make the final decision.
- Appointments shall be made by the Advisory Board for any vacant post not run by any candidate.
Article 1
The Executive Committee and the Council shall hold regular meetings. The Executive Committee Meetings shall be held at least six times a year. The Council shall convene at least twice a year.
Article 2
The agenda of the meetings shall be sent to all participating members and advisers at least five school days beforehand.
Article 3
At all Executive Committee and Council meetings, two-third of the members shall form a quorum. If the quorum is not present, the meeting shall be adjourned and convene again within five school days.
Article 4
Motions of general issues shall be carried by a simple majority of votes. Motions of important matters shall be carried with the approval of the Advisory Board.
Article 1
Members shall pay the prescribed annual membership fees every year. The membership fees collected shall be saved in the TLGCSU bank account.
Article 2
Regular finance reports shall be publicized. The Annual Financial Report shall be adopted by the Annual General Meeting.
Article 3
Any cheque issuance or money withdrawal form the TLGCSU bank account shall be made with the signatures of two advisers and the official stamp of the TLGCSU.
Article 4
All assets and properties of the TLGCSU shall be smoothly transferred from the Executive Committee of the previous session to the Executive Committee of the new session within one week before the Inauguration.
Article 1
To safeguard the rights of the members, if the Executive Committee member of the TLGCSU are found infringing or to have infringed either the TLGCSU Constitution or the School Mission in their work and activities, the School Authorities shall veto against the related resolutions made by the Executive Committee, or shall dissolve the Executive Committee.
Article 2
The TLGCSU Constitution shall be amended only through the resolution of a General Meeting. The amendments made shall be effective only with the approval of the Advisory Board.
Blue House has been organising a series of activities to promote students’ all-rounded development. With a view to enhancing new schoolmates’ sense of belonging to Blue House, we host annual S1 Orientation Day for the S1 students to introduce our house songs, activities and our committee members. We hope to create a fruitful school life for students.
Blue House Committee Members
Post | Name | Class |
Captain | Ng Sze Yue Samantha | 5A |
Vice-Captain and Treasurer | Chung Cheuk Yiu Yoyo | 5A |
Internal Secretary | Lam Tsz Kei | 4B |
Sports Captain | Lei Wing Kiu | 4A |
Academic Secretary | Fung Hong Kiu | 5D |
Steward | Lee Ho Yi | 3D |
Senior Cheering Team Captain | Li Qiana | 4C |
Junior Cheering Team Captain | Kam Charlotte | 3A |
Green House arranges a variety of activities in hope to enrich students’ school life. Every year, we organise the S1 Orientation Day to welcome new Green House members. During the event, all members learn the Green House song and play ice-breaking games like Pictionary. Other events, including the Christmas celebration and TLGC Challenge, we hope to engage students in our fruitful school life and enhance their sense of belonging to Green House and True Light.
Green House Committee Members
Post | Name | Class |
Captain | Chen Man Qi
| 5C |
Vice-Captain and Treasurer | Chan Angie | 4B |
Internal Secretary | Chan Chuen Oi Janna | 3B |
Sports Captain | Ho Wing Yan | 4D |
Academic Secretary | Tai Tsz ki | 4C |
Steward | Choi Cheuk Ki | 3D |
Senior Cheering Team Captain | Poon Oi lam | 4B |
Junior Cheering Team Captain | Li Tsz Kiu | 3D |
Red House is renowned for its solidarity. We are committed to organising a wide array of activities to boost our members’ sense of belonging and the House’s spirit. We are proud to host the annual S1 Orientation Day to introduce our house songs, activities and our committee members. We strive to create a memorable and colourful school life for our members and True Light girls.
Red House Committee Members
Post | Name | Class |
House Captain | Pong Gianna | 5C |
Vice-Captain and Treasurer | Au Yeung Hei Tung | 5D |
Internal Secretary | Ng Yuk Ying | 5D |
Sports Captain | Ho Lok Yin | 4A |
Academic Secretary | Yip Oi Lam | 3A |
Steward | Ng Yan Wing | 4B |
Senior Cheering Team Captain | Ho Yui Chun | 4D |
Junior Cheering Team Captain | Chan Wing Ka | 3A |
Yellow House organises a variety of activities for our members every year, such as Orientation Day for our S1 members, sale of House T-shirts, Candies’ Day, cheering slogan competition, visits to Ocean Park, etc. Through active participation in the activities, we hope our members have a fruitful school life. Not only do these activities provide ample opportunities for our members to gain exposure to different experience, but they also greatly boost our members’ sense of belonging and the House’s spirit. In the future, we will be dedicated to bringing pride and joy to all our members and making their school life colourful and unforgettable.
Yellow House Committee Members
Post | Name | Class |
Captain | Chui Lok Yiu | 5B |
Vice-Captain and Treasurer | Siu Sin Yee | 5B |
Internal Secretary | Chan Kin Yee | 4B |
Sports Captain | Ho Cheuk Tung | 4C |
Academic Secretary | Yu Suen Yung | 5C |
Steward | Hung Yan Tung | 3A |
Senior Cheering Team Captain | Chan Shun Almira | 4B |
Junior Cheering Team Captain | Chan Wun Tung | 3C |